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Hello World

(God, I sound like a cartoon character…)

Ok…My name is Mandy and I’m a daughter, a singer, a teacher, a wife and most importantly a new mother.

I’ve been thinking about writing my story and life adventures for quite some time, and being advised to do so by a few people, so after beating around the bush for so long…here i am!

I’m no one special — no really I’m not… but I am someone that is going through the same thing that many women are going through at this very moment and I thought that writing about my experiences could maybe, possibly help someone out there feel like they are not alone — or this blog can catch cyber dust and I’ll have a place to write and vent.

Ok… intro done… now to the entrée:

I’m currently a stay at home mom, and that’s by choice — yeah, yeah… you read right — and feel strongly about it.

Unfortunately I have been scrutinized by many surrounding me, telling me that I shouldn’t have to give up my life and career in order to become a mother…so much for my choice matters.

I’ve also been told that as a “modern” woman I should stand up to my husband and tell him that I have the right to a career as well…

It is safe to say that I am proud to be a stay at home mom, and that I decided to do so because seeing my child grow and go through every step of life is something I have wanted to do for a very long time.

With the way life has become, it is a pure privilege that we do not need extra income to survive financially in life.

Sadly, women and so-called feminists do not see it that way.

In my personal opinion, why have a child if you are just going to throw them aside and ignore them, or give them a screen of some sort to distract them from the fact that they do not have your attention what so ever.

I feel as though people forget the amount of attention a child needs to grow properly and the fact that proper parental discipline is needed for a child to feel secure and safe in his/her home.

Unfortunately, when both parents have to work… which is what society is forcing onto families…. children tend to take advantage of their parents feeling as though they are not doing enough and get what they want.

You may say… this girl has no idea what she is talking about… but sadly I do…. more on that later.

I want to be the best mom possible to my beautiful Melody and do whatever it takes to insure that she has an amazing childhood… and I think many men and women feel the same way.

So…. Cheers to a start of a new mommy blog.

Mama Shugar OUT!

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