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The Baby Talk Awakens

So here I was sitting in front of my laptop trying to figure out the next blog post topic I’d be writing about when all of a sudden my brain went “Agou… Gheeerrr… Engaaaaa!”

After a moment of complete fear that I’d lost my marbles I realized I must have something that I will call the baby brain, for a lack of a better term.

Being around Melody all the time has made me change just a little bit.

She is basically all I can think about sometimes, mostly because we spend so much time together.

I just gotta make sure I don’t bust out in baby-nese while sitting next to my husband at a work dinner.

Melody is now about three and half months old and is changing faster than I expected.

She has grown to be aware of her surroundings — eyes absorbing, analyzing, at times even memorizing I think.

She is most recently wanting to walk, to talk, to stand and be all independent and its unreal to me how it was like a light-switch flipped on.

Since I previously mentioned how we are mini-playing together, I thought it would be cool to share what we have been doing so that any mom that has a baby around Mel’s age can get an idea of the different things to do.

The first thing is talk.

Yes, as crazy as it sounds I talk to Mel, and man do I talk a lot.

I basically tell her everything that I am doing in the utmost detail, giving her a sense of feeling that she is included in my current activities even though she is strapped in her high chair.

For example: while I’m cooking I basically tell her every step of the recipe, “…and now we’re cutting the tomatoes into little baby cubes.”

Look, she might grow up to become a world famous chef one day because of this.

You never know!

Second, I read her books.

I love reading children’s books and I definitely prefer reading a real hardcover book than a pretend book on a screen.

I know that we are now in the 21st century but its okay to give her a little bit of fun excluding technology — so much more on that topic later.

I have recently learned that there is a collection of books called Disney Baby and they are truly wonderful books to read for kids both educational and beautifully illustrated.

Third, I have been instructed by her pediatrician to start putting her on her tummy as much as she can handle. According to the doc, it helps her develop amazing back, arm, and leg muscles to get her ready to eventually crawl.

The fourth and last thing is giving her some small age appropriate toys for her to discover and play with, and inevitably put in her mouth.

Since she is still only three and half months old, she sleeps a ton as well so don’t think that this happens all the time.

Side-note: her sleep cycle is what is definitely giving me time to write this blog.

Babies are fantastic and since my blog posts earlier this week were a bit on the down side I thought I would share the exciting and great parts of my day with Mel so people don’t think

I’m all depressed because trust me, I’m not.

Melody is truly the light of my life, just like any child is to their parents.

As she grows older, I sometimes wish she could just stay at this age and be my baby forever… but we all know that that is not going to happen.

So, all you moms out there enjoy every second of everyday with your little ones because I’ve been told they grow up way too fast.

I hope that this helps some moms find some awesome things to do with their little ones.

I wish you all an Agooo filled night and Enga-est dreams ever!

Mama Shugar OUT!

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