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To Motherhood or to Career… that is the question

The day I found out I was pregnant everything changed… within moments the way I thought, the way I made my decisions, and most definitely the way I ran my life all did a full 180…

One of the biggest discussions and decisions that my husband and I had to figure out was whether or not I would work while raising our children — yeah, there will be more someday.

Wait, wait … Let’s take a step back and give you a bit of background info so you know what it is I did or in a way still do…sorta…


I started off my career as a teacher by day and singer by night.

I loved being a teacher and witnessing children grow, and explore their adventurous world.

Being around them every day and seeing the way their love of learning new things and how their eyes glow when they discover something new –

Is it clear how much I love children?

As far as my love affair with music goes…. it was, is and forever will be my secret joy and the best way to express myself.

I enjoyed sharing my talent and voice with who ever wanted to listen and eventually being able to play music with my husband was a definite plus.


It was hard to see that I, now, had to make a choice — a choice I’d been walking towards reaching — I need to specify that I have always known that one day I’d be here, pregnant and at a crossroads, needing to make that choice.

I knew, wholeheartedly, that I couldn’t be a teacher, a singer, and be a mom… or at least the type of mom I wanted to be — (more on mom types later) because I knew I wanted to give my future child as much time and attention as I possibly could.

This was a big priority for me.

So, I gave up teaching.

I was going to have the privilege of being my child’s teacher for the first 3 years of her life … and that in and of itself was going to be more satisfying than ever.

On the other hand, music is still something I am determined to keep doing.

It still gives me the satisfaction of working and doing what I love without having to give up my time as a mom for SPOILER ALERT: my daughter, Melody.

I do have to stop and say that I am hella lucky to be able to stay at home with Mel all day, every day and have my supportive family to babysit at night whenever I have to sing.

But to those women who do not have the choice… I have to say that I wish I could change that for you somehow.

I’ve seen a few of my close working friends go out of their way after work to give every moment they can spare to their children and go on great fun adventures whenever they aren’t working.

Fighting tooth and nail to ensure their kids have exactly what they need.

And to those parents, I tip my hat for I truly have the upmost respect for you.

Juggling everything around to be able to make the best memories with their children and still financially provide in this crazy expensive world that we live in is no easy feat, but they are somehow doing it.

So, it is safe to say that since I will continuously be my daughter’s teacher that I am technically not giving up anything to be a mom, just changing it up a little bit… and change is not always a bad thing.

Life is full of challenges and if we mothers aren’t rising up to meet them, who will?

And to all those hard-working moms and dads out there reading this post, if you don’t know it or haven’t been told lately: You guys are doing a great job and your kids will appreciate everything you have done for them… if not now, one day for sure.

Whoops Mel’s up, gotta run!

Mama Shugar OUT!

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